
Not A Very Bright Idea

As a home inspector in Minnesota one of the most enjoyable parts of my job is finding interesting things people have done to their home. While all of us have good intentions sometimes are efforts are not well thought out or implemented properly.

Improper Shower Light Fixture

Improper Shower Light Fixture

In this picture we have an improper light fixture/bath fan installed right in a shower. Whoever installed this did not take the time to research that there are different light fixtures for different applications.  If I had to guess I would assume this person saw this type of light fixture in a bathroom somewhere else and decided this was an appropriate choice. The mistake this person made was while this IS a bathroom light fixture fan combo it is NOT designed to go in the shower.

The shower is a VERY humid moist environment that requires specifically designed moisture resistant lights.  Not only will this type of light fail and need replacement it is an electrical and fire hazard.
Doing the proper research will not only save you time and money in the long run it will also ensure you are doing things in a safe manner.

Pete Busch
Minnesota Home Inspector
763 442 4039

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