Monthly Archives: October 2014
Three Reasons To Have Your House Inspected
Examples of common electrical defects found while performing a home inspection.
By Pete Busch
Some homes seem to be plagued with electrical problems, other aren't. Do you have the ability to identify issues with your electrical system. Below are some examples of electrical defects that I found while performing a home inspection in Maple Grove Minnesota.
Here is a picture of a section of romex wire that had been chewed by a mouse. If left as is ![Romex Wire Chewed By. <div style='padding:0px;'><div style=]()

Repairing Your Chimney Now Will Save You Money In The Long Run
I just wanted to share a picture of a chimney that I found while doing a home inspection in Maple Grove Minnesota.
Clearly you can see whats wrong but just to be sure
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- Two missing chimney caps on the flue liners
- The chimney crown is severely deteriorated
- The chimney crown is improperly installed by not overhanging the chimney brick for water runoff
- Not only do we have moss growing on the crown we also have a tree starting to grow. This is a first for me so I had.
Concerns With Knob And Tube Wiring
Knob And Tube Wiring
By Pete Busch
Knob and tube, commonly referred to as K&T wiring was the first type of standardized
wiring in homes and was used from the 1880's into the 1940's. By today's standards it is considered obsolete but is still found in many homes today due to the level of difficulty and expense to replace it with modern wiring. When K&T wiring was first installed it posed.
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